live event

at The Ace: The Simple Minds, March 28th 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS


at Hitch: Wookiee of the Year, March 26th 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS


at Farside: Trivia Newton John, March 21st 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

live event

at The Rec Room: I Look Like Vince Vaughn, March 20th 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS


at Hitch: NORMAN, March 19th 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

Arcade Fire

Saturday Night Live Fantasy League: Episode 43x16: Bill Hader & Arcade Fire

live event

at The Ace: Thursday Morning's Regret, March 14th 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS