Pause + Play

April 02, 2012

Subscribe: iTunes / SoundCloud 

With a new episode posted every Friday, Trivia Club's Pause + Play is the portable version of Toronto's Greatest Game Show, a version of the live event that you are able to play at home with friends or on your own, especially if you aren't in Toronto. If you are in Toronto, you can find Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every Monday, at The Rec Room Roundhouse (255 Bremner Blvd) every Tuesday, and Farside (600 Gerrard St E) on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month! 

 Latest Episode 

#057 - 02/03/18
The fifty-seventh episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to the Golden VHS Champs at Hitch on Monday... now Five Timers Club members the Fighting Mongooses, and at The Rec Room on Tuesday... Tommy's Tremendous Trivia Titans! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 

 Other episodes 

#001 - 12/01/17
The first official episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play begins with some Canadian content, takes the past Sunday's Golden Globes into account, and celebrates the year that was 2016! Also, Game Show Games includes a podcast specific collection of Box-Office Bullseye, Countdown Takedown, and Survey Says. We also supply you with a special Golden VHS to win (if not own), and invite you to share your scores! Click on the episode date above, for further details on the Pause + Play episode, including a Table of Timestamps.

The second episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, now every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win (if not own), and invite you to share your scores!
The third episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score!
The fourth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score!
The fifth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! The downloadable PDF can be found on the Pause + Play page. Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Golden VHS winners, new Five Timers Club member The Good Folks at Laramie Cigarettes, and the winner of Cardinal Rule #200 the Cunning Stunts!
The sixth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! The downloadable PDF can be found on the Pause + Play page. Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Golden VHS winners, repeat Champions at Cardinal Rule and now 52x Golden VHS winnners, the Cunning Stunts!
The seventh episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congratulations to our Golden VHS Champions at our live events, now repeat winners on Monday at Hitch, The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes, and winners on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, David Bowie's Corporate Whores!
The eighth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congratulations to our Golden VHS Champion at our live event, Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, now 16x Golden VHS Champions The Unusual Suspects! Congrats as well to our first Extra Curricular event winner of the year, the repeat winner of our Oscar Confidence Pool, Mark P. of the Cunning Stunts!
The ninth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our live event winners, the THREEPEAT Champions at Hitch on Monday, the Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes... as well as Wednesday's Champions at Cardinal Rule, the Cunning Stunts!
The tenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our live event winners, Wednesday's Champions at Cardinal Rule, Diet Last Place Team!
The eleventh episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our live event Champs on Monday at Hitch, the State, and our VHS winners on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the Unusual Suspects!
The twelfth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions this week, Wednesday's winners at Cardinal Rule, the Cunning Stunts!
The thirteenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions for both Monday at Hitch and Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the Cunning Stunts!
The fourteenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the Electric Bastards!
The fifteenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions this past Monday at Hitch, the Electric Bastards, and this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the Cunning Stunts!
The sixteenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champion this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, David Bowie's Corporate Whores! Congratulations of course to the Grand Champions of 2016/2017... the Cunning Stunts!
The seventeen episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champion this past Monday at Hitch, The Man with the Candy, and to our Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, Last Place Team!
The eighteenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champion this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, David Bowie's Corporate Whores!
The nineteenth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the M. Night Shaym-Aliens!
The twentieth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, repeat winners the M. Night Shaym-Aliens!
The twenty-first episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions on Monday at Hitch, Like A Muffin Or A Beat, and our Champions on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the Unusual Suspects!
The twenty-second episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our live event Champions on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, Last Place Team!
The twenty-second episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our Golden VHS Champs on Monday at Hitch, Quiztin Tarantino, and our Champions on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, now 10x Golden VHS winners Last Place Team!
The twenty-fourth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to this past Wednesday's Champions at Cardinal Rule, THREEPEAT Golden VHS winners, Last Place Team!
The twenty-fifth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to this Monday's Champions at Hitch, The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes, and this Wednesday's Champions at Cardinal Rule, the Cunning Stunts!
The twenty-sixth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, Margaret Jean Foley and Heather Erin Jarvis take a Quiz! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score!
The twenty-seventh episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our live event Champions this past Monday at Hitch, Team Discovery Channel, and this past Wednesday at our 222nd Cardinal Rule event, now 2x Golden VHS Champs Trivial Knowledge!

The twenty-eighth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our live event Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, now 20x Golden VHS Champs... the M. Night Shaym-Aliens!
The twenty-ninth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our live event Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... the Cunning Stunts!
The thirtieth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congratulations to our Golden VHS Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... David Bowie's Corporate Whores!
The thirty-first episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs this past Monday at Hitch... the Fighting Mongooses, and to our Golden VHS Champions this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... Treasure Butt!
The thirty-second episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... David Bowie's Corporate Whores!
The thirty-third episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! And yes, this episode is 30 minutes and 3 seconds long. Congrats to our repeat Golden VHS Champs this past Monday at Hitch... the Fighting Mongooses, and at Cardinal Rule this past Wednesday and now 60x Golden VHS Champs... the Cunning Stunts!
The thirty-fourth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... Last Place Team!
The thirty-fifth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs, the INAUGURAL Champs at The Rec Room this past Tuesday... The Bastards!  Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs this past Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... Trivial Knowledge!
The thirty-sixth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs at Hitch to begin our fourth annual Christopher Hitchens Cup... The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes! Our Golden VHS Champs at The Rec Room this past Tuesday... David Bowie's Corporate Whores! And our Golden VHS Champs at Cardinal Rule this past Wednesday... The Ticklish Boys (?)!
The thirty-seventh episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs on Monday at Hitch... the M. Night Shaym-Aliens, on Tuesday at The Rec Room... Team Name, and on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... The Unusual Suspects! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The thirty-eighth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs on Monday at Hitch, and the fourth annual Christopher Hitchens Cup winners... the M. Night Shaym-Aliens! Golden VHS Champs on Tuesday at The Rec Room... Oh Shoot!, and on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... the Cunning Stunts! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The thirty-ninth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Monday's Golden VHS Champ at our 100th Hitch event... Lt. Dance's Estelle Getty Lee, and Wednesday's Golden VHS Champ at Cardinal Rule... Better Late Than...! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The fortieth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to Tuesday's Golden VHS Champ at The Rec Room... Team Name, and Wednesday's Golden VHS Champ at Cardinal Rule for Trivia Club 500... the Cunning Stunts! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The forty-first episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Champions, on Monday at Hitch... the Fighting Mongooses, on Tuesdays at The Rec Room... the M. Night Shaym-Aliens, and on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... Trivial Knowledge! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The forty-second episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs at Hitch on Monday... Wookiee of the Year, at The Rec Room on Tuesday... David Bowie's Double Helix Time Ladies, and at Cardinal Rule on Wednesday... Last Place Team! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The forty-third episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs at Hitch on Monday... West Virginia Losers Club, at The Rec Room on Tuesday... Cailíní Deasa, and at Cardinal Rule on Wednesday, now with the All-Time High Score... the Cunning Stunts! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The forty-fourth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our Golden VHS Champs at Hitch on Monday... Wookiee of the Year, at The Rec Room on Tuesday... Team Name, and at Cardinal Rule on Wednesday... Chillasaurus! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS that you can win on this episode, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The forty-fifth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Golden VHS Champs on Monday at Hitch... The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes, on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... the Cunning Stunts, and on Thursday at Farside... Trevor Tyre! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your playing experience including your score! 
The forty-sixth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Golden VHS Champs on Monday at Hitch... Multiple Scorgasms, on Tuesday at The Rec Room... Thought This Was Jeopardy!, and on Wednesday at Cardinal Rule... the Electric Mayhem! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The forty-seventh episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to Monday's live event Golden VHS Champs at Hitch... The Potatoes, Tuesday's Champs at The Rec Room... The Close Talkers, and Wednesday's third-last Champs at Cardinal Rule... The Bastards! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The forty-eighth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Champs, Golden VHS winners Monday at Hitch, the M. Night Shaym-Aliens... Tuesday at The Rec Room, the Sun Life Superstars... and Wednesday at Cardinal Rule, the Dollywood Massacre! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The forty-ninth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Golden VHS Champs, winners Monday at Hitch... Red Rider + Leg Lamp, winners Tuesday at The Rec Room... TD Danks!, winners Wednesday at Cardinal Rule at our second annual Trivial Awards... David Bowie's Corporate Whores, and winners Thursday at Farside... The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The FIFTIETH episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to the Golden VHS Champs on Monday at Hitch... The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes, on Tuesday at The Rec Room... The Distractors, and The Last Rights & Wrongs winners at our Trivia Club at Cardinal Rule... The Electric Mayhem! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The fifty-first episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our first Golden VHS Champs of 2018, winners Tuesday at The Rec Room... the Cunning Stunts! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The fifty-second episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to our live event Golden VHS Champs at Hitch on Monday... The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes, and at The Rec Room on Tuesday... Better Late...! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The fifty-third episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday!  Congrats to our live event Golden VHS Champs at Hitch on Monday... The Questionables, and at Farside on Wednesday... The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes!  Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The fifty-fourth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Join in on our sixth annual Oscar Confidence Pool, with a livecast of Oscar Night and Red Carpet Trivia Club at The Rec Room! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The fifty-fifth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to the live event Champs at The Rec Room... Quiz Teama Aguilera! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 
The fifty-sixth episode of Trivia Club's Pause + Play, available every Friday! Congrats to the live event Champs at The Rec Room... Jason & the Segels, and the live event Champs at Farside... the M. Night Shaym-Aliens! Enjoy the special Pause + Play Golden VHS to win, and let us know all about your experience including your score! 

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