at Hitch: M. Night Shaym-Aliens, December 4th 2017 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

December 05, 2017

Click here for more photos of the event's CHAMPS on Facebook!
 I t's December, we are in the final stretch of 2017! This has been a truly incredible year for Trivia Club, and one of those wonderful steps forward was our step to go weekly at our Home Away at Hitch in September to coincide with the fourth annual Christopher Hitchens Cup! On this antepenultimate edition of the Greatest Game Show in Toronto, it was a familiar mix, a Hitchens Cup mix of the regular faces that rounded out the year! It was also brought to you by the new Guillermo del Toro film, out this Friday, The Shape of Water!

 Trivia Classic  saw the M. Night Shaym-Aliens make their second return since winning the fourth Hitchens Cup, and with their return hold a three and a half point lead on Wookiee of the Year! In Third were the Man with the Candy, who themselves had a one point lead on the Fighting Mongooses! Newcomer on the night #LoneWolf was in fifth, with a one point lead of their own on The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes.

In  Game Show Games  then brought out a Countdown Takedown to remember, which saw the Fighting Mongooses grab the TOP TEN, while the Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes picked up eight points! Wookiee of the Year then picked up another TOP TEN in Survey Says, while the Fighting Mongooses grabbed eight points, The Man with the Candy took six, and the M. Night Shaym-Aliens got four points! In Combo Breakdown, the M. Night Shaym-Aliens proved to be the last team standing... but put those points on the line... only to lose six (and almost lose two team members) to finish up round two with TWO POINTS!

Finally in  Tri-Pardo , it was a low-rolled third round as The Man with the Candy rolled a rare one, while the Fighting Mongooses rolled five, and Wookiee of the Year rolled fourteen! All told, the entire round was twenty points, well below average! The Man with the Candy would be the only team that lost points in round three, taking an eight point hit from an incorrect third question coupled with the correct first two questions. The M. Night Shaym-Aliens would grab nineteen points, while the Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes would hit for the TRIPLE to get all twenty points!

Roaring towards the  Finale , The Man with the Candy went all-in, while the rest of the field held varying degrees of points back! Ultimately, it was the team that had left the most on the board, with five points, that still had the most to gain... they had lost the lead to the Fighting Mongooses in round two, but would regain that lead in round three and the Fighting Mongooses would have to be alright with the runner-up spot on the night...

Winning their SIXTH GOLDEN VHS at Hitch, and TWENTY-FOURTH OVERALL... with 135 points, the M. NIGHT SHAYM-ALIENS! It is the first win for the Shaym-Aliens at Hitch, since the Christopher Hitchens Cup in September. It is also the second December win at Hitch, for the Shaym-Aliens.

 04/12/17 POINTS TABLE 
Fighting Mongooses 32 10 8 1 10 (58) 119
M. Night Shaym-Aliens 45 0 4 2 19 (65) 135
The Man with the Candy 33 0 6 0 -8 (31) 62
Wookiee of the Year 41.5 0 10 2 5 (58) 116.5
The Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes 23 8 0 1 20 (49) 101
Congrats once more to the M. Night Shaym-Aliens, and thank you to everyone who came out to beginning this last trio of shows for 2017 at our Home Away in such a memorable fashion. We'll see you all again NEXT MONDAY for the penultimate edition of Trivia Club at Hitch for 2017!
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Support Trivia Club on PatreonRussel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every MONDAY, at The Rec Room (255 Bremner Blvd) every TUESDAY, Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY, and monthly THURSDAY continuing December 14th, 2017 at Farside! Every FRIDAY, a new episode of the Pause & Play podcast (a portable version of our live events) is available on SoundCloud & iTunes!

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