at Hitch: Multiple Scorgasms, November 20th 2017 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

November 21, 2017

Click here for more photos of the event's CHAMPS on Facebook!
 I t was a return to our Home Away after a week away, with all kinds of fun to be had and knowledge to be dropped! Would one of the long time teams strengthen there trivia legacy at Hitch, or would new faces fight for their first Golden VHS?

 Trivia Classic  saw the Fighting Mongooses return after two weeks away, and return to the first round lead! Escape Goats were in second, a wonderful pairing of Shaym-Alien alumni and their parents and in-laws, while the Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes were making their forty-first appearance and were one point behind in third! Newcomers the Multiple Scorgasms were in fourth, with Wookiee of the Year a half a point behind them in fifth. Collage Strike, the newest name for Lt. Dance’s Anthony, and Falconhead rounded out the field.

 Game Show Games , beginning with Countdown Takedown saw Escape Goats grab the TOP TEN while Collage Strike picked up eight points and remainder of the field found it tough for the number to pin down! Survey Says saw the Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes AND Collage Strike both got a TOP TEN answer out of our second game, when the field figures out our first question, save for the first guess from Falconhead. Finally, it all came down to a Combo Breakdown that left Wookiee of the Year and the Fighting Mongooses going head to head, with the last team standing winning SEVENTEEN POINTS being the Fighting Mongooses!

With their lead strengthened this meant that the Fighting Mongooses had the lead on the field, but a tough  Tri-Pardo  could change everything! With all questions totally forty-six points, this led to an all out twist in the standings in a familiar way, with the first question being rolled for twelve points by Falconhead, the second question being rolled for fourteen points by Multiple Scorgasms, and the third question being rolled for twenty points by the Fighting Mongooses! It is the second time that the Mongooses have rolled a crit hit! Unfortunately they were not able to hit on the twenty point question and the Mongooses who Fight were instead hit for twelve points! This isn't as bad as the thirty-four points lost by Falconhead, while Collage Strike also lost twleve points! Gaining ground were the Escape Goats with two points, and with a full twenty-six point swing Multiple Scorgasms were able to notch enough to gain the lead on the night before the Finale question!

Heading into the  Finale , many a team did some cagey wagering with a lot of points being put on the line but ultimately the Good Folks holding five points back, while the Fighting Mongooses kept two and a half, the Escape Goats keeping two points, and Multiple Scorgasms wagering everything but one and a half! Also this was ultimately just a safety measure as all teams came out swinging on the last question, with only one team missing... and it was not the team in the lead!


Winning their FIRST GOLDEN VHS on their first night out at Trivia Club at Hitch... MULTIPLE SCORGASMS! They took home the gold with a tough Tri-Pardo twist, just a half point off of 100 points, as the Escape Goats finish as runners-up on the night with eighty-two points.

 20/11/17 POINTS TABLE 
Fighting Mongooses 24.5 0 6 17 -12 (33) 68.5
Falconhead 12 0 0 1 -34 (21) 0
Escape Goats 22 10 4 4 2 (40) 82
Wookiee of the Year 15 0 2 6 14 (37) 74
Multiple Scorgasms 15.5 0 8 1 26 (49) 99.5
Good Folks from
Laramie Cigarettes
21 0 10 4 0 (30) 65
Collage Strike 12 8 10 4 -12 (22) 0
Congrats once again to Multiple Scorgasms, and thank you to everyone who came out to Hitch and made it such a fun night of game show goodness at our Home Away! We'll see you all again NEXT MONDAY as we head toward the end of 2017, now just weeks away!
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Support Trivia Club on PatreonRussel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every MONDAY, at The Rec Room (255 Bremner Blvd) every TUESDAY, Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY, and monthly THURSDAY continuing December 14th, 2017 at Farside! Every FRIDAY, a new episode of the Pause & Play podcast (a portable version of our live events) is available on SoundCloud & iTunes!

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