Linear Championship Belt

April 02, 2012

Imagine, if you will, there was only one Golden VHS. Instead of the nearly 800 that have been handed out, their was a single Golden VHS Championship belt and every time a team won it, it was taken from the last team that won it, and so on and so forth, from the inaugural Champion to the present. We imagined it, so we traced it back and brought it forward. We are pleased to present to you the Trivia Club Linear Championship Belt. 

  • Linear Championship can only be won if reigning team is present.
  • Linear Championship can't be lost in a tie, if the reigning team ties.
  • Linear Championship is vacated if the Championship team is not present at any Trivia Club event for five weeks, or 35 days. Then after the Linear Championship is won at the next possible event. 
  • Linear Championship can be won or lost at all locations.
  • If a team has a different name then the one they had won the Linear Championship with, at least one team member has to be present for future defense (something kept track of to the best of our abilities).
  • Linear Championship reign begins at date of live event, and supersedes previous reign, if team participates on a tape delay and establishes a new top score for the event within 7 days of event.
  • Linear Championship can be won by more then one team at time in a tie in a tie that is not broken, and be co-held. A co-held belt can then change hands: 1) If both teams lose, 2) If one team retains and the other team loses to break the co-hold, 3) If one team retains and other vacates due to inactivity to break the co-hold, 4) If both teams vacate due to inactivity.

No. Team Reign Date       Days Held Defences Location     Event Notes
1 SPARTACUS 1 13-Apr-12 61 1 Cardinal Rule 001
2 vacated - - - - - -
3 Sam Rockwell 1 11-Jul-12 34 0 Cardinal Rule 004
4 SPARTACUS 2 15-Aug-12 62 1 Cardinal Rule 005
5 Grafton Celebrity All-Stars 1 17-Oct-12 27 0 Cardinal Rule 007
6 Cunning Stunts 1 14-Nov-12 27 0 Cardinal Rule 008
7 S.A.N.T.A.S. 1 12-Dec-12 35 0 Cardinal Rule 009
8 vacated - - - - - -
9 Electric Mayhem 1 13-Feb-13 41 1 Cardinal Rule 011
10 Cunning Stunts 2 27-Mar-13 27 1 Cardinal Rule 014
11 Sam Rockwell 2 24-Apr-13 35 1 Cardinal Rule 016
12 vacated - - - - - -
13 SPARTACUS 3 03-Jun-13 20 0 Cardinal Rule 019
14 BITCA? 1 26-Jun-13 35 0 Cardinal Rule 020
15 vacated - - - - - -
16 Ghengis Khaaan 1 31-Jul-13 35 0 Cardinal Rule 024
17 vacated - - - - - -
18 Team Highschool 1 03-Sep-13 35 0 Wychwood Pub 005
19 vacated - - - - - -
20 The Raglans 1 08-Oct-13 35 2 Wychwood Pub 009 *
21 vacated - - - - - -
22 Ryan Family Values 1 09-Dec-13 35 0 Hitch 007
23 Toilet Roll Barbies 1 14-Jan-14 26 0 Hitch 008
24 Hot Tub Trio 1 10-Feb-14 13 0 Hitch 010
25 Toilet Burton Cummings 2 24-Feb-14 48 2 Hitch 011
26 The Sackvillians 1 14-Apr-14 35 0 Hitch 014
27 vacated - - - - - -
28 The Beer Barons 1 20-May-14 35 0 Lou Dawgs 008
29 vacated - - - - - -
30 Chaka Chaka Khan 3 23-Jun-14 20 0 Hitch 019
31 The Asquith A’s 1 14-Jul-14 35 0 Hitch 020
32 vacated - - - - - -
33 Unemployed and Underpaid 1 19-Aug-14 29 0 Lou Dawgs 018
34 PETE! 1 16-Sep-14 7 0 Lou Dawgs 021
35 Beer Barons 2 23-Sep-14 40 1 Lou Dawgs 022
36 Bastards ft. PETE! 1 04-Nov-14 7 0 Lou Dawgs 027
37 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 1 11-Nov-14 7 0 Lou Dawgs 028
38 PETE! 2 18-Nov-14 7 0 Lou Dawgs 029
39 Bastards ft. Matt/PETE! 2 25-Nov-14 20 1 Lou Dawgs 030 **
40 Lt. Dance 1 16-Dec-14 27 1 Lou Dawgs 033
41 Bastards ft. PETE 3 13-Jan-15 7 0 Lou Dawgs 035
42 Cunning Stunts 3 20-Jan-15 7 0 Lou Dawgs 036
43 Bastards ft. Matt 4 27-Jan-15 7 0 Lou Dawgs 037
44 Cunning Stunts 4 03-Feb-15 7 1 Lou Dawgs 038
45 Treasure Butt 1 11-Feb-15 13 1 Cardinal Rule 100
46 Unusual Suspects 1 25-Feb-15 7 0 Cardinal Rule 102
47 Boo Radley Junior 1 04-Mar-15 35 0 Cardinal Rule 103
48 vacated - - - - - -
49 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 2 07-Apr-15 1 0 Lou Dawgs 046 ***
50 Team Name 1 08-Apr-15 7 0 Cardinal Rule 108
51 Electric Bastards 2 15-Apr-15 12 2 Cardinal Rule 109 ****
52 They Hate Us Cause... 1 28-Apr-15 35 0 Lou Dawgs 048
53 vacated - - - - - -
54 The Bastards 5 02-Jun-15 7 0 Lou Dawgs 053
55 Cunning Stunts 5 09-Jun-15 7 0 Lou Dawgs 054
56 The Bastards 6 16-Jun-15 7 0 Lou Dawgs 055
57 Electric Bastards/Mayhem 2 23-Jun-15 56 4 Lou Dawgs 056 *****
58 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 3 19-Aug-15 20 0 Cardinal Rule 127
59 Team Name 2 09-Sep-15 5 0 Cardinal Rule 130
60 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 4 14-Sep-15 13 0 Hitch 049 ^
61 Trusty Rumpets 4 28-Sep-15 28 1 Hitch 050 ^^
62 InTIMidatingly Large Tim 1 26-Oct-15 9 0 Hitch 052
63 Unusual Suspects 2 04-Nov-15 14 0 Cardinal Rule 138
64 David Bowie’s Bulge 1 18-Nov-15 28 1 Cardinal Rule 140
65 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 5 16-Dec-15 22 1 Cardinal Rule 144 ^^^
66 The Redacted 1 06-Jan-16 49 1 Cardinal Rule 145
67 vacated - - - - - -
68 Jolly Joel’s… 2 29-Feb-16 14 0 Hitch 061 ^^^^
69 The Good Folks from Laramie 1 14-Mar-16 14 0 Hitch 062
70 Awesome Team Awesome 1 28-Mar-16 35 0 Hitch 063
71 vacated - - - - - -
72 Treasure Butt 2 03-May-16 6 0 Lou Dawgs 099
73 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 6 09-May-16 9 0 Hitch 066
74 Hopburn 1 18-May-16 35 0 Cardinal Rule 164
75 vacated - - - - - -
76 The Bastards 7 28-Jun-16 57 1 Lou Dawgs 107
77 Big Floppy Disks 1 23-Aug-16 35 0 Lou Dawgs 115
78 vacated - - - - - -
79 Last Place Team 1 28-Sept-16 7 0 Cardinal Rule 183
80 Team YXE 1 05-Oct-16 6 0 Cardinal Rule 184
81 Cunning Stunts 6 11-Oct-16 14 1 Lou Dawgs 120 ^^^^^
82 The Bastards 8 25-Oct-16 35 0 Lou Dawgs 122
83 vacated - - - - - -
84 The Bastards 9 30-Nov-16 20 1 Cardinal Rule 192
85 Lt. Dance 2 20-Dec-16 29 0 Lou Dawgs 130 √√
86 Karen from Finance 1 18-Jan-17 36 1 Cardinal Rule 197 √√√
87 David Bowie's C.W. 2 22-Feb-17 35 0 Cardinal Rule 202
88 vacated - - - - - -
89 Cunning Stunts 7 03-Apr-17 9 1 Hitch 088
90 The Electric Bastards 3 12-Apr-17 7 1 Cardinal Rule 209 √√√√
91 Cunning Stunts 8 19-Apr-17 7 0 Cardinal Rule 210
92 David Bowie's C.W. 3 26-Apr-17 49 1 Cardinal Rule 211
93 Last Place Team 2 21-Jun-17 7 0 Cardinal Rule 219
94 Cunning Stunts 9 28-Jun-17 63 2 Cardinal Rule 220
95 Last Place Team 3 30-Aug-17 7 0 Cardinal Rule 229
96 Trivial Knowledge 1 06-Sep-17 56 1 Cardinal Rule 230
97 Cunning Stunts 10 01-Nov-17 7 0 Cardinal Rule 238
98 Chillasaurus 1 08-Nov-17 35 0 Cardinal Rule 239
99 vacated - - - - - -
100 The Good Folks from Laramie 2 14-Dec-17 31 2 Farside 002
101 The Questionables 1 15-Jan-18 35 0 Hitch 112
102 vacated - - - - - -
103 Jason & the Segels 1 20-Feb-18 35 0 The Rec Room 020
104 vacated - - - - - -
105 Trivia Newton John 1 21-Mar-18 35 0 Farside 006
106 vacated - - - - - -
107 Fighting Mongooses 1 30-Apr-18 7 0 Hitch 123 √√√√√
108 The Man with the Candy 1 07-May-18 7 0 Hitch 124
109 Fighting Mongooses 2 14-May-18 14 0 Hitch 125
110 #sorrynotsorry 1 28-May-18 35 0 Hitch 126
111 vacated - - - - - -
112 Suck It Trebek 1 03-July-18 7 0 The Rec Room 037
113 Really Makes U Think 1 10-July-18 35 0 The Rec Room 039
114 vacated - - - - - -
115 Smartly Pretty 1 27-Aug-18 14 0 Hitch 131 #
116 The Good Folks from Laramie 3 10-Sept-18 14 0 Hitch 132 ##
117 Fatty's Big Chance 2 24-Sept-18 35 1 Hitch 133 ###
118 Frightening Mongooses 3 29-Oct-18 9 0 Hitch 135
119 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 7 07-Nov-18 14 0 Farside 020 ####
120 Biscuits 1 21-Nov-18 28 0 Farside 021 #####
121 Kwik-E-Smart 1 19-Dec-18 28 0 Farside 023
122 2 Fast 2 Curious 4 16-Jan-19 21 0 Farside 024 ~
123 REDACTED 1 06-Feb-19 35 0 Farside 025 ~~
124 vacated - - - - - -
125 All killa, No filla 1 19-Mar-19 7 0 The Rec Room 072
126 We Thought... Speed Dating 1 26-Mar-19 35 0 The Rec Room 073
127 vacated - - - - - -
128 2 Fast 2 Curious 5 01-May-19 14 0 Farside 030
129 Brewer's Yeast Infection 1 15-May-19 35 0 Farside 031 ~~~
130 vacated - - - - - -
131 Fighting Mongooses 4 24-June-19 14 0 Hitch 149
132 Team Name 3 08-July-19 35 0 Hitch 150
133 vacated - - - - - -
134 Cookiefaced 1 13-Aug-19 14 1 The Rec Room 091
135 The Questionables 2 27-Aug-19 14 1 The Rec Room 093 ~~~~
136 Hold Me Close Tiny Answer 1 10-Sep-19 14 0 The Rec Room 095 ~~~~~
137 Quizzy Rascals 1 24-Sep-19 21 0 The Rec Room 097
138 If only Alexa was here... 2 15-Oct-19 7 0 The Rec Room 100 +
139 The Questionables 3 22-Oct-19 7 0 The Rec Room 101
140 Murderinos 1 29-Oct-19 7 0 The Rec Room 102
141 Cookiefaced 2 05-Nov-19 21 1 The Rec Room 103
142 The Questionables 4 26-Nov-19 49 1 The Rec Room 105
143 Kyle & Friends 1 14-Jan-20 14 0 The Rec Room 108
144 Cookiefaced 3 28-Jan-20 28 2 The Rec Room 109
145 M. Night Shaym-Aliens 8 25-Feb-20 8 0 The Rec Room 112
146 Abjulah 2 04-Mar-20 35 0 Farside 046 ++
147 vacated - - - - - -
148 The Epidemic Mayhem 4 14-Apr-20 7 0 Clubhouse 004 +++
149 Cookiefaced 4 21-Apr-20 7 0 Clubhouse 005
150 Unofficially Electric Mayhem
& Agatha Quiztie
& 1
28-Apr-20 35 0 Clubhouse 006 ++++
-- Unofficially Electric Mayhem -- 02-June-20 +7 2 -- --
151 Fighting Mongooses 5 09-June-20 7 0 Clubhouse 011
152 Down by the Bay 1 16-June-20 28 1 Clubhouse 012
153 Agatha Quiztie 2 14-July-20 21 1 Clubhouse 014
154 Team That Scored 40 Points 6 04-Aug-20 14 1 Clubhouse 017 +++++
155 Fighting Mongooses 6 18-Aug-20 14 1 Clubhouse 019
156 Meow Meow Beans 1 01-Sep-20 14 0 Clubhouse 021
157 Down by the Bay 2 15-Sep-20 7 0 Clubhouse 023
158 Alpaca Rental Business 7 22-Sep-20 14 1 Clubhouse 024 >
159 Agatha Quiztie 3 06-Oct-20 21 0 Clubhouse 026
160 Cunning Stunts 11 27-Oct-20 14 0 Clubhouse 029
161 Fighting Mongooses 7 10-Nov-20 7 0 Clubhouse 031
162 Down by the Bay 3 17-Nov-20 14 1 Clubhouse 032 >>
163 Rancid Preibus 1 01-Dec-20 7 0 Clubhouse 034
164 Ghost of Bebe Rebozo 2 08-Dec-20 7 0 Clubhouse 035 >>>
165 Down by the Bay &
Cunning Stunts
4 &
15-Dec-20 21 1 &
Clubhouse 036 >>>>
166 Saturday Night
Mongoose Event
8 05-Jan-21 7 0 Clubhouse 039 >>>>>
167 Down by the Bay 5 12-Jan-21 7 0 Clubhouse 040
168 2 Fast 2 Curious 6 19-Jan-21 7 0 Clubhouse 041
169 Do You Ever Feel Like A
Plastic Bag Floating In
The Wind Like A
Plastic Bag
8 26-Jan-21 7 0 Clubhouse 042 <
170 Ghost of Bebe Rebozo 3 02-Feb-21 7 0 Clubhouse 043
171 2 Fast 2 Curious 7 09-Feb-21 35 0 Clubhouse 044
172 vacated - - - - - -
173 Ghost of Bebe Rebozo 4 23-Mar-21 7 0 Clubhouse 050 <<
174 2 Hot 2 Handle 8 30-Mar-21 14 1 Clubhouse 051 <<<
175 Down by the Bay 6 13-Apr-21 7 0 Clubhouse 053
176 2 Fast 2 Curious 9 20-Apr-21 14 1 Clubhouse 054 <<<<
177 Hot Spot Hot Boyz 9 04-May-21 7 0 Clubhouse 056 <<<<<
178 Down by the Bay 7 11-May-21 7 0 Clubhouse 057
179 2 Fast 2 Curious 10 18-May-21 14 1 Clubhouse 058
180 Down by the Bay 8 01-June-21 14 1 Clubhouse 060
181 Rancid Priebus 2 15-June-21 14 1 Clubhouse 062
182 Ghost of Bebe Rebozo 5 29-June-21 35 1 Clubhouse 064

* Championship vacated due to Trivia Club cutting ties with Wychwood Pub.
** The Bastards, with Matthew Smith, first defeated PETE! on the 030 edition before defending the Championship once with PETE! as a member of The Bastards.
*** This was the second event in the eleven-part Grand Championship Grand Prix 2015.
**** Record for most defenses in the least amount of days. Because of the make-up of the Electric Bastards, Championship could have been defended (and even lost) by either The Electric Mayhem or The Bastards.
***** Record defences. The Electric Bastards beat The Bastards on 056, with two members of The Electric Mayhem, thus making it a Championship defendable only by The Electric Mayhem.
^ Took place during first leg of Christopher Hitchens Cup II.
^^ Took place during second leg of Christopher Hitchens Cup II.
^^^ Won at the last Cardinal Rule event of 2015, defended on last Hitch (and last event overall) of 2015.
^^^^ This was the first, and likely the last, Leap Day Trivia Club event.
^^^^^ PETE! defended, and lost, the Linear Championship as the only team member of Team YXE continuing to participate in Trivia Club in Toronto.
√ The defense took place at the inaugural Trivial Awards, as The Electric Bastards, on December 14th, 2016.
√√ As the Twenty-Sixteenagers, Lt. Dance won at The Last Question, our final event at Lou Dawgs.
√√√ Karen from Finance defended the Linear Championship Belt successfully, at CR#199, as Cheryl from HR, though lost the Belt at CR#202, as Todd from Accounting.
√√√√ During the Grand Championship Grand Prix of 2017, The Bastards and Electric Mayhem once again teamed up as The Electric Bastards. Number of reigns is as The Electric Bastards collective.
√√√√√ Hi#123 was also the first Grand Championship Grand Prix Finale outside of Cardinal Rule, with the ultimate Grand Champions also winning the Finale event and their first reign with the belt.
# Though Matt & Pat have won the Linear Championship Belt before as members of The Bastards, The Electric Mayhem, and The Electric Bastards, both separately and together, this is their first reign as a duo.
## Took place during the first leg of Christopher Hitchens Cup V.
### Fatty's Big Chance are also known as Smartly Pretty, and also known as Matt & Pat. Took place during the second leg of Christopher Hitchens Cup V.
#### Took place during the first leg of Uncle Rubberknee's Head of Class 2018, our first anniversary at Farside.
##### Took place during the second leg of Uncle Rubberknee's Head of Class 2018, which the M. Night Shaym-Aliens won even though they lost the belt. Also, though this is the first reign for Biscuits, it was the fourth reign for John M. who was part of SPARTACUS, the first hold of the belt.
~ 2 Fast 2 Curious, the team formerly known as Last Place Team, won the Linear Championship Belt on their 100th appearance at Trivia Club.
~~ no. 123 reign REDACTED are a different team from our no. 66 reign The Redacted.
~~~ Took place on the 700th event of Trivia Club's history in Toronto.
~~~~ The Questionables, formerly known as Suck It Trebek, had their first reign on reign no. 112.
~~~~~ Took place during the first leg of The Roundhouse Royale 2019, our second anniversary at The Rec Room Roundhouse.
+ If only Alexa was here... is also known as Dead on the Inside, and had their first reign on reign no. 125 as All killa, No filla.
++ Abjulah is also known as The Man with the Candy, had their first reign on reign no. 108. Took place at the fourth annual Trivial Awards at Farside. Their reign would be vacated due to COVID-19 closures.
+++ The Electric Mayhem, known on the night as The Epidemic Mayhem, become our first reigning team during on-line events live from the Trivia Clubhouse, streaming on Facebook. They gained on the top score on the night, instead of winning a Golden VHS, one of many little adaptations post-pandemic and entirely remote.
++++ Agatha Quiztie would vacate their co-reign after 35 days due to inactivity. Matt Smith, and future teams still not officially The Electric Mayhem, would retain at our first Clubhouse event streamed on YouTube on May 26th at the 9th Clubhouse event, and on June 4th at the 10th Clubhouse event to hold the Linear Championship for a total of 42 days. From this point forward, Matt Smith will continue on the number of reigns started by the Electric Mayhem.
+++++ The Team That Scored 40 Points is also known as Matt Smith, or the team that is Not Officially known as the Electric Mayhem.
> Alpaca Rental Business is also known as Matt Smith.
>> Down by the Bay tied with The Ghosts of Bebe Rebozo on CH#033, thus retaining the belt.
>>> The Ghosts of Bebe Rebozo had their first reign as The Asquith A's at Trivia Club at Hi#020 at reign no. 31.
>>>> Down by the Bay would retain at CH#038, the final Trivia Club event of 2020, before both Down by the Bay and the Cunning Stunts would lose their co-hold on the first Trivia Club event of 2021, CH#039.
>>>>> Saturday Night Mongoose Event is also known as the Fighting Mongooses. They participated on tape delay on January 9th, beating the previous high score set by Bebe Rebozo, thus setting a precedent in terms of reigns and recognized dates and days held being attached to the time of the live event.
< Do You Ever Feel Like A Plastic Bag Floating In The Wind Like A Plastic Bag is also known as Matt Smith.
<< The Ghosts of Bebe Rebozo won on CH#050 which was also the first anniversary event at the Trivia Clubhouse, setting a then record 48 point score from a then record 55 potential points available, and outscored the previous belt holders 2 Fast 2 Curious on the night as well.
<<< 2 Hot 2 Handle is also known as 2 Fast 2 Curious. 2 Fast 2 Curious would tie for the top score with Down by the Bay on CH#052, retaining the Linear Championship Belt.
<<<< Took place during the first leg, and was successfully defended on the second leg, of our ninth anniversary Golden VCR Grand Championship.
<<<<< Hot Spot Hot Boyz is also known as the M. Night Shaym-Aliens.

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