at The Thompson Diner: Team B.S., September 19th, 2019 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

September 20, 2019

We returned on this past Thursday to The Diner in the Thompson Toronto, with excellent and amazing company in the red neon glow south of King on Bathurst! Would an emerging regular team win the Golden VHS on just our second event at The Diner, or would newcomers stake their claim at this brand new location?

 Trivia Classic  came to an end, with the M. Night Shaym-Aliens return to The Diner, as one of two returning teams in fact! Three points behind were The Team Formerly Known as Prince, this team who were expected to leave early for Lizzo but got hooked in (and Lizzo wouldn’t go on til later anyway) had a one point lead on Team B.S., who were visiting from Portland! Three points ahead of Team B.S. were Mio Trio, the returning Blondies from last week alongside a non-Blonde as well! Two points behind the Trio who would eventually gain a forth member were We The North East, with Pinky and the Brain a point behind them to end juuuust outside of the top five!

 Game Show Games  saw Team B.S. grab the TOP TEN in Countdown Takedown and take the lead, when the M. Night Shaym-Aliens were left pointless! Pinky and the Brain grabbed eight points, while The Team Formerly Known As Prince picked up six! Grabbing the TOP TEN in Survey Says were Mio Trio, while Team B.S. nabbed eight points, and the M. Night Shaym-Aliens once again were left pointless, joined this time by We The North East!

Then in  Tri-Pardo , the first category chosen was by the M. Night Shaym-Aliens who rolled eight points, followed by Pinky and the Brain who rolled for TWENTY on the second category, while Mio Trio rolled for sixteen. This meant that forty-four points were on the line in round three. Continuing their momentum after round two, Team B.S. gained the most points, with thirty-six points from the second and third questions. The M. Night Shaym-Aliens and The Team Formerly Known As Prince both also got the second and third questions correct, but lost eight points on the first question, for a total of twenty-eight points!

 Trivia Finale  wagering then led to a diverse selection of possibilities, but with Team B.S. going back to Portland, they weren’t looking on leaving points behind! This meant that they were going all-in, and all other teams would just hope to gain a lucky break on the incorrect answer! This would not be the case however, and the M. Night Shaym-Aliens would finish in third with eighty-eight, while The Team Formerly Known As Prince would end the night as runners-up with 107 points!

Winning their FIRST GOLDEN VHS on their first (and possibly only) night out were TEAM B.S. who finished the night with an impressive 134 points, powered by the momentum of their second and third rounds, to go with their strong first round.

Congrats one more time to B.S. and thank you to everyone else who came out to compete at The Diner in the Thompson Toronto! Keep an eye out for details on upcoming Trivia Club events at The Diner, no doubt in the coming weeks!
Support Trivia Club on PatreonRussel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every 2nd & 4th MONDAY, at The Rec Room Roundhouse (255 Bremner Blvd) weekly every TUESDAY, every 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY at Farside (600 Gerrard St E) and MONTHLY on THURSDAY at The Diner (51 Bathurst St) in the Thompson Toronto, and on WEDNESDAY at Black Lab Brewing (818 Eastern Ave) on September 25th! Trivia Club's Pause & Play podcast, a portable version of our live event, is available on SoundCloud & iTunes!

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