at The Rec Room: Pugad, June 5th 2018 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

June 06, 2018

On the return to The Rec Room, we brought you Trivia Club to the Three10 restaurant in the Roundhouse! Who would take home their first Golden VHS? Yes, in thirty-three events we would see our twenty-eighth Champions on the biggest stage for trivia in Toronto!

 Trivia Classic  ended with Club Caribbean taking the lead with a stronger Trivia Royale, while the runners-up after the first were Pugad! Yes, continuing our international prize winners in the first round, Pugad is Filipino for 'nest' (and now you know!), with a member of the team even visiting from Manila! Pugad had a one point lead on the next two teams, as Gray & Co Team, and Dream Team, were both tied with thirteen points! In  Tri-Pardo , our second round, Gray & Co Team rolled for twelve points and then won that twelve points but lost thirty-seven on the other two questions! Pugad rolled for TWENTY, and won twenty along with another twelve points for a thirty-two point push! Dream Team rolled for seventeen in the third question in Tri-Pardo, but lost that seventeen points with a clooooose guess, and lost another twenty points for a total thirty-seven point loss that saw them fall to fourth! Remaining in first after two round were Club Caribbean, who like Pugad had gained thirty-two points in the second, and remained five points ahead in the lead.

 Trivia Finale  wagering would mean a whole lot, as every team would answer the final question correctly... and while Pugad went all-in, and Dream Team and Gray & Co Team wagered all they could... Club Caribbean played it safe, maybe a little too safe and self-assured, and only wagered twenty points! This meant that Club Caribbean finished as runners-up on the night! While finishing in first...

Bringing the GOLDEN VHS CHAMPIONSHIP back to Manila... PUGAD! Yes indeed, congrats to Pugad once again for the last question push for victory, well played indeed.

 05/06/18 POINTS TABLE 
Gray & Co Team 13 -25 -12 20 8
Club Caribbean 19 32 51 20 71
Dream Team 13 -37 -24 24 0
Pugad 14 32 46 46 92
Thank you to everyone who came out to The Rec Room to compete! We'll see you all again next Tuesday, as we return to the Three10 restaurant on June 12th for more Trivia Club goodness!
Support Trivia Club on PatreonRussel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every MONDAY, at The Rec Room (255 Bremner Blvd) every TUESDAY, every 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY at Farside (600 Gerrard St E), and every 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAY at The Ace (231A Roncesvalles Ave)! Every FRIDAY, a new episode of the Pause & Play podcast (a portable version of our live events) is available on SoundCloud & iTunes!

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