TOP TWENTY Scoreboard for year-end 2015

January 10, 2016

  • It's no wonder The Electric Bastards won the Grand Championship Grand Prix in 2015, just by look at the top four scores of 2015. 
  • The Bastards set the new ALL-TIME HIGH SCORE this year, with 207 points on July 7th, at Lou Dawg's Ryerson! Just a day after, at Cardinal Rule the Electric Bastards looked to surpass the new record and came within four points, while becoming only the fourth team to ever get more then 200 points in a single game. 
  • The Bastards, naturally, have Lou Dawg's Ryersons top score of 2015. Electric Bastards, as noted, own Cardinal Rule's top score of 2015. With 170 points, Stupid Lisa Garbage Face attained Hitch's top scored of 2015, while also appearing a second time on the list as the Inanimate Carbon Rods! 
  • April, Trivia Club's Grand Championship Grand Prix month, is the only month not to be represented in the 2015 Year End Top 20! From a production perspective, this makes sense as we wanted to make it as difficult as possible for teams to gain a large advantage on the competition. That didn't keep The Electric Bastards from grabbing 150 points during our Bizzaro Trivia Club on April 1st, as that month's high score. 
  • March is represented more then any other month on the Year End Top 20, with five high scores ending up on the list! 
  • 2015 was such a competitive year in terms of scoring, that only the top THREE from 2014 would have made it on the list this year. 
  • For those who can count, you may have correctly noted TWENTY-TWO scores on this year's Top 20, thanks to a three-way tie to end the list! 
  • The M. Night Shaym-Aliens made it on this list not once, but twice, with scores from the last two events of 2015! 
  • A lot of teams appear multiple times on this list, with The Electric Mayhem and The Bastards both appearing the MOST, with four appearances (including the The Electric Bastards high score at Cardinal Rule counting towards both teams). 
  • Only three teams appear only once on the Year End list. Two of those teams, Zappa! and Car RAMROD were never seen again! Wookie of the Year appear on something akin to a quarterly basis at Hitch. 
  • The Electric Bastards, in a form that neither affiliated with The Bastards or Electric Mayhem (because they were competing at Lou Dawgs Ryerson, which I realize is confusing) are the 21st highest scoring team of the year with 155 points on a June 30th night at Lou Dawgs Ryerson. 
  • 2015's Year End Scoreboard Mean Team are the Trusty Rumpets with 168!
Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, at Lou Dawg's near Ryerson (76 Gerrard St E) every TUESDAY, and Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY!

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