at Farside: EDDTs with moustaches, December 5th 2018 CHAMPS

December 07, 2018

Click here for more photos of the event's CHAMPS on Facebook!
Following up on our first anniversary at Farside, it was the penultimate edition of Trivia Club for 2018 at our first anniversary spot! Not only were we joined by new faces for our 22nd event at Your Friendly Neighborhood 'side, but also teams making their second and even third appearances!

 Trivia Classic  finished with The DDTs losing their moustaches, keeping the fact that they had them in their name, and adding an E as well to become a four person EDDTs with moustaches! The Wet Bandits were two points behind, back from last week when they were known as 2 Guys 1 Trivia 1 Girl. Excitement...! dirigibles, runner-up to Brewers Yeast Infection in October, was in third place! Two and a half points behind in fourth were newcomers The Zamboners, and rounding out the Top Five (top five, top five) were the lively Scissor Sisters!

 Game Show Games  began with a tough take for our Box Office Bullseye, which saw all teams fall short of the target and no points awarded! Survey Says was a different story, as the five teams in attendance ran the table, with The Wet Bandits grabbing the TOP TEN! Finally in Countdown Takedown, it was The Wet Bandits with the TOP TEN once again, while Scissors Sisters also guessed under with the opening bid, for eight points!

 Tri-Pardo  saw The Wet Bandits in first place going into round three, and also being selected for the opening category pick! They rolled sixteen points for their choice. Scissor Sisters got the second pick and rolled seventeen, while the third category was selected by The Zamboners who rolled fourteen points! This meant that forty-seven points were on the line in our third round! While The Wet Bandits were able to attain thirty-three points from the first and second questions, they did not get the most points in round three... nor did they have the lead anymore going into the Trivia Finale, because EDDTs with moustaches hit for the triple and got all forty-seven points available in round three!

Trivia Finale wagering then went one way or the other, with the teams below the top two and crossing their toes, while The Wet Bandits and EDDTs wagered much more conservative! In fact The Wet Bandits only wagered two points, and thus gave Excitement...! dirigibles a chance to at least finish in the top two if they answered correctly! Unfortunately they would not however, but do you know who would?

Winning their FIRST GOLDEN VHS on their third appearance, now only wearing a moustache in celebration (as one should) the EDDTs! Congrats to the family squad!

Thank you to everyone who came out to compete at our penultimate edition of Trivia Club at Farside for 2018, we will see you again in TWO WEEKS on December 19th, before we snuggle up for the holidays and return in the new year for, amoung other things, the Trivial Awards in January for the year that was 2018!
Support Trivia Club on PatreonRussel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every 2nd & 4th MONDAY, at The Rec Room (255 Bremner Blvd) every TUESDAY, every 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY at Farside (600 Gerrard St E), and every 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAY at The Ace (231A Roncesvalles Ave)! Every FRIDAY, a new episode of the Pause & Play podcast (a portable version of our live events) is available on SoundCloud & iTunes!

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