at Cardinal Rule #200: Cunning Stunts, February 8th 2017 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

February 12, 2017

Click here for more pictures of the event's CHAMPS on Facebook!
 T wo-hundred was the number to celebrate. For an event that began as a monthly trivia night, 100 had barely been a number that was expected to be seen, but even that was two years ago. We could not ask for a better location to do Trivia Club in, then Cardinal Rule. And to be joined by an exceptional cross section of teams was also more then we could ask for. For this celebratory night we brought back something old (chips!), and tried something new (icosahedron?!), and brought the night to an end on wonderfully high point or two-hundred!

Before truly getting into the recap, I wanted to once again thank Katie and Marta at Cardinal Rule, without whom not only would I have not made it to 200, Trivia Club wouldn't be anything close to what it's become in the past five years. To believe in the event from the start, and watch it grow, thank you.

Okay! The first round of Trivia Classic saw the returning Electric Mayhem with a half point lead on their closest competition, the Cunning Stunts which began the early story of the night of course, of Trivia Club's first and still most intense rivalry, even after these hundreds of events. Just four points behind, and planning to play spoilers in the battle of Mayhem v. Stunts, were David Bowie's Corporate Whores! Five and a half points behind DB’s CW were the team making their 135th appearance in 200 events, Team Name, while five points behind Team Name were Last Place Team, already on their 45th appearance in 55 events! Rounding out the field, on their second appearance and oh what a night to return, were the wonderfully named Holy Guacamole!

As Game Show Games began, were saw a one night only return of the chips! Yes, not seen since the fall of 2013, was the option to put down a green chip on another team, and in doing so ALSO win the points that they win! With the ability to trust in teams for either Countdown Takedown or Survey Says… unpredictability reigned on this unexpected return to chips! Countdown Takedown proved a feeling out process, even for those who remembered green AND red chips as part of what was then known as Jeo-Pardo… so the first green chips of the evening weren't used until Survey Says! Holy Guacamole had the opening guess, and after Last Place Team, the Cunning Stunts and Electric Mayhem trusted in their answer with their chips… all four teams got two points! Team Name and David Bowie's then trusted in Electric Mayhem, but no points were won! Team Name however grabbed the TOP TEN! Adding eight points, to also get ten in Survey Says, were the Stunts, while Last Place Team went home for an additional four points, and Holy Guacamole trusted in David Bowie's and failed to gain extra points! Yes, up until that point DB’s CW were left without Game Show points!

Combo Breakdown would prove to be an early contender in the Iron Team Award at the year-end Trivial Awards, with a twenty-odd minute battle which culminated in the Cunning Stunts, Electric Mayhem, and David Bowie's Corporate Whores looking to decide who truly Started The Fire. As expected it came down to half answers causing the Breakdown, with the Stunts being the first from the final three to fall thanks to the Ayatollah not being in Japan but instead Iran! And finally it was the David Bowie's not specifying just who was responsible for the Cola Wars (it was indeed those Rock’n Rollers), leaving the Electric Mayhem with a rare TWENTY POINT COMBO!

With the battle for the 200th Golden VHS at Cardinal Rule continuing to rage, it was of course going to come down to an unpredictable Tri-Pardo! And to celebrate our 200th Trivia Club, since we brought back a blast from the past with chips in round two, we wanted to give participants something new for round three! After the categories were selected… players would have a chance to change the points at play by rolling a TWENTY-SIDED DIE! Yes, no longer were the questions set at 10, 15, and 20, now for the first Tri-Pardo question the icosahedron would be rolled once, the second question would see two rolls with the highest number taken, and the third question would give the team that selected the question three rolls to set the point total on the question!

With the first roll of the ico, on The Final Frontier, the Electric Mayhem made the question a very traditional 10 points drawing impressed applause from the crowd! Our second category was the Niche Question chosen by Last Place Team, who after two rolls of the die saw the question worth… 15 points! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, gender-fluid and unfixated, the more things change the more they stay the same! And that meant that for the universe to confirm our suspicion that some things should never change, for the third Tri-Pardo category, Rock and/or Roll, David Bowie's Corporate Whores had to roll a natural 20 in three attempts. No small feat! There first roll was a 3… and there second roll? 20! The crowd went wild! The tradition continued, at least for one more memorable night in a teams quest to hit for the triple to the tune of 45 points!
After this trio of questions was answered there WAS a team that hit for the triple, and they were David Bowie's Corporate Whores… who in doing so made up big ground on the Electric Mayhem who gained 25 points in the third round, and the new leaders heading into the Finale, the Cunning Stunts, who in getting 35 points edged past the Mayhem! Gaining an extra 20 points were Holy Guacamole, while Last Place Team grabbed 10 points, and Team Name added 5 points to their total!

Thus the Finale, it was a tale of two sides for the night… teams on the top of the scoreboard and those looking for a little bit of luck! Wagering was both all-or-nothing and in and of itself strategic… but on this night, our 200th at the Original Home of Trivia Club, it was a race between two teams past the bi-centennial mark!

Cunning Stunts vs. Electric Mayhem.

Play it, Sam. Play, As Time Goes By. Then get off the piano because Billy has to play We Didn't Start The Fire. We've talked about both teams before, and there rivalry is one of the cornerstones of the event. In terms of one-night records, or all-time feats, if you don't see the Cunning Stunts with there name attached to the feat, you'll see the Electric Mayhem.

Most Golden VHS tapes: Cunning Stunts with 50.

Most appearances: Cunning Stunts with 154.

Most Golden VHS tapes at Cardinal Rule: Electric Mayhem with 34.

All-Time High Score: Electric Mayhem with 235 points.

It's that last one that was in play on this night, and though it would not be reached, both the Mayhem and Stunts would join a very select group of teams that have scored more then 200 points not once but twice. 


The Electric Mayhem would finish the night with the fourth highest score all-time and third highest score at Cardinal Rule, giving them the first and third spot! The Cunning Stunts? They would notch a new personal best with 223 points, there first time past 200 points in 134 events at Cardinal Rule, when they put up 206 points in 2014! It's not only the second highest score all-time at Cardinal Rule… but all-time in the history of Trivia Club…
Team Name 39 0 10 1 5 (0) 55
David Bowie’s Corporate Whores 44.5 0 0 10 45 (99) 198.5
Last Place Team 34 6 6 0 10 (50) 6
Cunning Stunts 48.5 8 10 10 35 (111.5) 223
Electric Mayhem 49 10 2 20 25 (106) 212
Holy Guacamoles 25 0 2 0 20 (47) 0
Making the CUNNING STUNTS now FIFTY-ONE TIME Golden VHS Champions! Since their first appearance, in part at least, at our first Trivia Club event, they've won twenty-five times in total at Cardinal Rule! Yes, that makes them just the third team to do so at a single location. As I stated at our 200th as well, the night included participants who were collectively making their 465th appearance at a Trivia Club event... from Holy Guacamole who were making their second appearance, to the Cunning Stunts and Team Name who respectively were making appearances number one-hundred and fifty-four and one-hundred and thirty-eight! Congratulations as always go to the night's winners once more, well done Stunts, and I have to thank you all again as well for making this such a fun community to be a part... thank you to the teams who came out Wednesday night to make it such a wonderful milestone to celebrate! Here's to 200 more events, and more podcasts, and magazines and books and videos and movies!

Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, and Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY! Every FRIDAY, a new episode of Trivia Club's Pause & Play podcast (a weekly portable piece of the Trivia Club experience) will be available on SoundCloud & iTunes!

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