TOP TEN Scoreboard for March 2016

April 07, 2016

  • Following up their All-Time High Score, March's top score the 191 from Electric Mayhem capped off only the second THREEPEAT in Trivia Club history (and remember last month, that All-Time High Score came from ending David Bowie's Corporate Whores potential threepeat)! It's the second straight month for the Mayhem on top of the Monthly Scoreboard, as well as being the top score at Cardinal Rule! Conversely the 131.5 points from Team Name kept the Electric Mayhem from hitting four straight wins.
  • The Bastards earned the top score at Lou Dawgs for March, the third straight month that they've done so.
  • The Bastards are also the only team to appear twice on March's Monthly Scoreboard!
  • Awesome Team Awesome have the top score at Hitch for March!
  • Awesome Team Awesome are the only Hitch team to appear on the Monthly Scoreboard, while Lou Dawgs appeared twice, meaning that yes, Cardinal Rule took the other seven spots!
  • The eleventh highest score, just out of the Monthly Scoreboard, belongs to the M. Night Shaym-Aliens and their 120 point night on March 23rd.
  • The Mean Team, closest to the Scoreboard average, for the month of March are The ||||||| Redacted!

Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, at Lou Dawg's near Ryerson (76 Gerrard St E) every TUESDAY, and Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY!

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