TRIVIA CLUB COMEDY 100: #2 - Chris Pratt

March 25, 2015

2. Chris Pratt
Points: 1005
Ballots: 13
Highest Vote: 4th (Sam)
ROB: Even more so than his scripted and edited performances, it’s his raw charm and persona in live appearances that have made him the runaway star of 2014.
SARAH: Over the last year Chris Pratt has been turning on the charm like a fire hose. While I think Guardians of the Galaxy is a little overrated, his charisma as a leading man is undeniable. Great comedic instincts and responsible for some of the best improvisation on  Parks and Rec.
SAM: Pratt was on fire this year! He's always been solidly funny as Andy Dwyer and Parks and Rec, but now he's permanently in the pop culture pantheon as Star-Lord in the biggest-grossing movie of the year. Pratt is definitely solidly funny in the movie - check out his dance moves when trying to distract the big bad from blowing up a planet!
And the opening sequence alone (in which he dances to Redbone) immediately establishes the movie as a crowd-pleasing comedy. Pratt sold the movie almost single-handedly on his charm and breeziness, which is immense.

JOHNNY: He lost the weight and remained funny!

No one ever pulls that off! Ask Seth Rogen, ask Jonah Hill, ask Drew Carey -- the list goes on. Regardless, Pratt crossed (the galaxy) into the mainstream consciousness as Starlord (c'mon you don't know Starlord?), leading man in the funniest (and arguably best) super hero flick yet. While those watching Pratt quietly work his way into hearts on Parks & Recreation know this already, Pratt is the perfect everyman: He's flawed, honest, goofy, and charming.
He is part of a great trend in funny right now where the people succeeding the most is the most real; the funniest friend you (wish you'd) have. Pratt, Louis CK, Fallon, are all near or at the top of their game and still somehow manage to feel like you could hang out with them and have it not be weird. At all.

Speaking of the top of their game. The very top of the Trivia Club Comedy 100 is only THREE DAYS away! So enjoy that Pratt Pratt Pratt, in all his gif'd glory before we return in short order to celebrate this wild project that is the #TCC100, as a whole!

Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY, at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, and Lou Dawg's near Ryerson (76 Gerrard St E) every TUESDAY!

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