at Cardinal Rule: Cunning Stunts, March 29th 2017 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS
March 30, 2017Click here for more pictures of the event's CHAMPS on Facebook! |
Trivia Classic in its climax, saw Team Name build a one and a half point lead on their closest competitor, the Cunning Stunts! Two points behind those Stunts, in third, were Last Place Team! They themselves had a three point lead on the returning Death Stars! Yes, first time Champs on their first appearance, the Death Stars were returning once again! A point behind the Death Stars were two points ahead of Trivial Knowledge, and one and a half points behind them in sixth were the M. Night Shaym-Aliens! Making their 101st appearance, the Shaym-Aliens had a point up on the seventh place team... PETE! Yes, also returning for the first time in 2017 (crazy, huh?) was PETE! Rounding out the field, two points behind the winningest one-man team in Trivia Club, were Stupid Google!
Joining in on the fun in round two, Game Show Games, were Agent J & Agent K who grabbed two points in Countdown Takedown! Getting the TOP TEN? PETE! Team Name, Cunning Stunts, and Trivial Knowledge also nabbed points along the way! Survey Says saw Last Place Team get the TOP TEN on the second question, while Agent J & Agent K grabbed the TOP TEN on the first question! Team Name and the Death Stars were in fact the only team to not grab any points, while PETE! pushed things to the second question, by grabbed an especially tough third spot in our initial Survey! Combo Breakdown then proved especially difficult, as all teams save for Team Name once again, and PETE! grabbed at least one point, while the Cunning Stunts won two points! Last Place Team were the last team standing for an ELEVEN POINT BOOST!
With the added boost from round two, Last Place Team had put themselves in first place in this tight battle, while Team Name had slipped back into the standings, and the Cunning Stunts were in a nearby second place. Anything could happen! Tri-Pardo proved that even further, as the first question was worth 20 points, the second question was worth 14 points, and the third question was worth 13 points! Last Place Team answered the first question correctly, but got hit by the second question, still gaining six points when the dust settled. Team Name lost fourteen points, while Death Stars lost twenty-seven points! Gaining thirteen points a piece were the 101 Shaym-Aliens, Trivial Knowledge, and the Cunning Stunts! This brought the Cunning Stunts even with Last Place Team with forty-five points a piece. Two and a half points in front of both teams however, heading into the Finale... after gaining twenty points in the third round was PETE!
So it panned out in the Finale, that many teams swung for it... with the Cunning Stunts going all-in and putting themselves in the cat bird seat if they could get it right, because Last Place Team had left four points on the board, and PETE! had only wagered half a point... his old Lou Dawgs play when he felt like the power was out of reach, not realizing that he in fact had the lead on the field! Though inevitably, like the week before, only one team was able to get the Finale question correct, and in doing so...
The CUNNING STUNTS won their FIFTY-FOURTH GOLDEN VHS! It was their twenty-eighth all-time at Cardinal Rule, their fifth Golden VHS of 2017 which is indeed the lead in the Search for this years Socratic Shield, a great final step before the Grand Championship Grand Prix for the Golden VCR began in the upcoming weeks of April!
Congrats to the Cunning Stunts, and thank you to everyone who came out to participate in trivia this week at our Original Home of Cardinal Rule presented by Steam Whistle! We've now got MERCH available as well, so look for a Shop section on the website in the coming week, but also look to purchase shirts, mugs, buttons, or stickers at live events! WOO!
Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, and Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY! Every FRIDAY, a new episode of Trivia Club's Pause & Play podcast (a weekly portable piece of the Trivia Club experience) will be available on SoundCloud & iTunes!