TOP TWENTY Scoreboard for 2016
January 13, 2017
- The Electric Mayhem threepeated as Golden VHS Champions, beginning on February 17th 2016, an event at Cardinal Rule that not only gave us the Highest Score of 2016 but also the third Highest Score of 2016! In scoring 235 points, the Electric Mayhem stopped a David Bowie's Corporate Whores threepeat, on a night when David Bowie's CW could have otherwise notched an all-time high score themselves with 210 points! They became the fifth and sixth teams ever to score more then 200 points in a single event, but they would not be the last in 2016 (four MORE 200+ point nights were to come)!
- Of course, in scoring the Highest Score of 2016, and notching a new ALL-TIME HIGH SCORE, with 235 points on February 17th, at Cardinal Rule... the Electric Mayhem have Cardinal Rule's top score of 2016! No small feat as team's at Cardinal Rule have six of 2016's Top Ten high scores!
- Tiny Tim's... scored the Highest Score at Hitch for 2016, notching the 214 points, an All-Time High Score at Hitch and the second highest score all-time at Trivia Club, with their decisive victory on September 26th, to become the third annual winners of the Hitchens Cup!
- The Bastards won the Top Dawg Trophy at Lou Dawgs in 2016, for what would be the second annual and final multi-week event of it's kind, and the Trophy winning score of 174 points tied for the sixteenth highest score of 2016 but it wasn't the Highest Score of 2016 for Lou Dawgs nor was it The Bastards highest score! The Highest Score of 2016 for Lou Dawgs was the 190 points scored by The Bastards on January 19th, 2016! The Bastards personal best for 2016 was scored ten months last on November 30th, when they notched 204 points on their nominal debut at Cardinal Rule! This made them only the second team to score 200 points more then once, after the Trusty Rumpets!
- The M. Night Shaym-Aliens also notched 2016 Scoreboard appearances ten months apart, at Cardinal Rule and Lou Dawgs respectively, and in doing so they tied themselves with 182 points a piece!
- The only team to make three appearances on the 2016 High Scoreboard, at least nominally, are David Bowie's Corporate Whores! The Golden VCR winners of the Grand Championship Grand Prix for 2016 have appearances that include a Grand Championship Grand Prix score in April.
- A four-way tie at the sixteenth Highest Score of 2016 includes an appearance by the winningest team in the history of Trivia Club, the Cunning Stunts, at the third last event at Lou Dawgs, as well as Tiny Tim's... other Hitchens Cup score, making for a truly memorable September for the team.
- Ten of the year's Highest Scores took place at Cardinal Rule, while six more of the Highest Scores took place at Hitch events, meaning the other four came from teams at Lou Dawgs (The Bastards twice, the Cunning Stunts, and a returning M. Night Shaym-Aliens).
- Of the four teams to only appear once on the Year End Scoreboard, Ken Bone and Seilson Schmeilson at Hitch, can easily be called friends of Tiny Tim's... and Trusty Rumpets respectively, having in part appeared on said teams.
- The Electric Bastards reappearance to prominence, for the first time since the Grand Championship in 2015, took place at the first annual Trivial Awards at Cardinal Rule on December 14th, 2016!
- The twenty-first highest scoring team of the year with 170 points, is another four-way tie between David Bowie's Corporate Whores and themselves at Hitch and at Cardinal Rule, as well as the Big Floppy Disks at Lou Dawgs, and the Good Folks from Laramie Cigarettes at Hitch!
- 2016's Year End Scoreboard Mean Team, with the score closest to the big board average are the team at the TOP, the Electric Mayhem with 191 points!
Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, and Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY! Starting THURSDAY January 12th, Trivia Club's Pause & Play podcast (a weekly portable piece of the Trivia Club experience) will be available on SoundCloud & iTunes!