at Cardinal Rule: Last Place Team, December 21st, 2016 TRIVIA CLUB CHAMPS

December 22, 2016

Click here for more pictures of the event's CHAMPS on Facebook!
  ur LAST Trivia Club of 2016 came into view, at Cardinal Rule, and across Toronto on Wednesday! It wouldn't be a lie if the celebration from last Wednesday's Trivial Awards and The Last Question at Lou Dawgs the night before, had not led to a full-on hangover for the Trivia Club faithful! Still, along with their Dad, it was Last Place Team were still very much set on continuing their newest streak of appearances, while a new slate of teams were set to add their own mark on Trivia Club history (or at the very least, earn a cozy spot on the In Memoriam segment of next year's Awards)!

At the end of Trivia Classic it was Last Place Team with the lead on the field, though with only a three and a half point lead on the new-comers MCL! Three and a half points behind them were You Can't Sit With Us!! You Can't Sit With Us!, led by Cardinal Rule's very own Katie, were officially participating in just their third Trivia Club... and their first in ninety-nine events!

Game Show Games brought a new team into the fold, with an all-new Team Discovery Channel! Last Place Team would be the team that would grab the TOP TEN in Countdown Takedown, while Team Discovery Channel grabbed the eight points, MCL took six, and You Can't Sit With Us! grabbed four points. Then in Survey Says it was a TOP TEN answer for You Can't Sit With Us!, while Last Place Team took eight points, Team Discovery Channel grabbed six points, and MCL won themselves two good points. C-C-Combo Breakdown proved as difficult as it was for everyone this week, with Last Place Team picking up a points, while Team Discovery Channel tried for additional points after being the last team standing... but lost points... and kept a single point as well!

Our third round, Tri-Pardo then saw Last Place Team gain further momentum on the field with a twenty-five points surge against their closest competition (and arguably more veteran presence in You Can't Sit With Us!, if not competitively), while You Can't Sit With Us! kept close behind with an additional fifteen points! The two other teams, MCL and Team Discovery Channel all but took themselves out of contention with negative forty-five points a piece! Yes, reverse triples are rare these days but to end the year of Trivia Club... we got two!

This then brought us to a Finale, which saw Last Place Team wager slightly less then half of their points on the last question of 2016, while You Can't Sit With Us! went all in (save for half a point) in an attempt to surpass their closest competition on the Last Place Team's forty-first appearance of the year, a number that surpasses Team Name's thirty-nine appearances in 2014 at Cardinal Rule, and the forty appearances by The Bastards at Lou Dawgs in 2015! With both teams getting the Finale correct, had Last Place Team wagered enough to hold onto the lead and win another Golden VHS to end the year?
YES! With 100 points on the dot, it was the LAST PLACE TEAM who won their SIXTH GOLDEN VHS, this time with DAD! They become the fifth different team to end the year with a Golden VHS win! Ending 2012 as Golden VHS Champs were S.A.N.T.A.S., 2013 saw the Cunning Stunts with the Golden VHS, 2014 ended with the Unusual Suspects with the Golden VHS with their name on it, and then time last year it was the M. Night Shaym-Aliens as Golden VHS Champions at the end of 2015!

Last Place Team 26.5 10 8 1 25 (29.5) 100
MCL 23 6 2 0 -45 (20) 6
You Can’t Sit With Us! 19.5 4 10 0 15 (48) 96.5
Team Discovery Channel DNP 8 6 1 -45 (30) -60
Congrats to Last Place Team, and thank you one more time in 2016 to all of those who came out to participate in Trivia Club! It's been an honor to host all of you wonderful folks! We'll see you again in THREE WEEKS, on January 11th, 2017 for more Trivia Club at Cardinal Rule! Remember, it's not what you know... it's what you learn along the way!

Russel Harder hosts Trivia Club at Hitch (1216 Queen St East) every other MONDAY of the month, at Lou Dawg's near Ryerson (76 Gerrard St E) every TUESDAY, and Cardinal Rule (5 Roncesvalles Ave) every WEDNESDAY!

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